Press Release
South Dakota Secretary of Agriculture to Speak During Soy100
Mar 09, 2019South Dakota Secretary of Agriculture, Kim Vanneman, will share the new administration’s vision for South Dakota’s agriculture industry during soy100 held in Brookings, March 13, 2019. soy100 will also be held in Aberdeen, March 14, 2019.
“South Dakota’s farmers are tough, hardworking and good businessmen and women. I am truly honored to represent them as the South Dakota Secretary of Agriculture. We are excited about the future of agriculture in our state and I cannot wait to not only share our mission and vision, but to also hear from producers during soy100,” said Kim Vanneman, South Dakota Secretary of Agriculture.
Secretary Vanneman’s comments are timely, said Jerry Schmitz, South Dakota Soybean Executive Director & Vermillion soybean farmer. “Even though our industry is going through an economic downturn, we also see tremendous opportunities. We’re eager understand what we can do as farmers to aid in propelling Secretary Vanneman’s vision for our state’s agriculture industry forward,” Schmitz said.
soy100 is an annual event that brings together marketing and agronomic experts as well as winners of the 2018 South Dakota Soybean Yield Contest to provide South Dakota’s soybean growers with research-based and farmer-tested information on how to break the 100-bushel bean barrier.
soy100 is hosted by South Dakota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (SDSRPC) in conjunction with SDSU Extension and South Dakota State University. soy100 is sponsored by the South Dakota soybean checkoff and is offered at no cost.
“soy100 is a good opportunity for us to get off the farm and spend a day preparing for the growing season coming up. The event allows us to take a look at new ideas that we can bring back and implement on our farms – whether that’s marketing strategy, agronomy tips or details from data collected from S.D. Soybean Yield Contest top growers that will help us all boost yields,” said Viborg soybean farmer, Jon Schaeffer, South Dakota Soybean Association Treasurer & District 2 board member.
To register for soy100 in Brookings or Aberdeen, visit www.sdsoybean.org/soy100 or register over the phone, by calling the SD Soybean office at 605-330-9942.
Speaker & Agenda Information
The soy100 event in Brookings will be held on the campus of SDSU in the Performing Arts Center (1601 University Blvd., Brookings). The soy100 event in Aberdeen will be held at the Best Western Ramkota Hotel & Convention Center (1400 8th Ave NW).
Both events begin at 7:30 a.m. and run until 2:30. The agenda is similar for both events.
7:30 a.m. Registration
8:30 a.m. Welcome
8:45 a.m. Soybean Markets and Trade: Uncharted Waters: Ted Seifried, Zaner Group,
specializes in agricultural hedging employing various strategies using futures, futures spreads, outright options and options combinations. He will discuss how growers can adapt to market conditions by implementing different market strategies. He works with large to mid-size grain and livestock producers and end users throughout the world. Learn more by reading his blog, “The Ted Spread,” at www.Agweb.com.
9:45 a.m. 2019 Congressional Updates: discussion will be led by representatives from
South Dakota’s congressional leadership
10:45 a.m. Gall Midge and Insect Pests: Emmanuel Byamukama, Assistant Professor &
SDSU Extension Plant Pathologist and Adam Varenhorst; Assistant Professor & SDSU Extension Field Crop Entomologist
11:15 a.m. Producer Panel: 2018 Yield Contest winners share top 10 strategies to 100
bushels. Panel will be followed by a Q&A and moderated by Adam Kask, South Dakota Soybean Research & Promotion Council and Gregg Carlson, retired Professor, Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science, SDSU
Noon The State of South Dakota Agriculture, Kim Vanneman, S.D. Secretary of Agriculture (Brookings only)
12:15 p.m. Lunch provided by SDSRPC
1:30 p.m. Breakout Session 1: During the breakout sessions, soy100 participants can select to attend one session from the list below.
- Corn and Soybean Marketing:Making the most of 2019
- Agronomist Panel
- Saline and Sodic Soils
2:15 p.m. Breakout Session 2: During the breakout sessions, soy100 participants can
select to attend one session from the list below.
- Corn and Soybean Marketing: Making the most of 2019
- Agronomist Panel
- Saline and Sodic Soils
To learn more about how SDSRPC puts checkoff dollars to work for South Dakota’s soybean farmers, visit www.sdsoybean.org.