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The Soybean Pod

Beefing Up Nutrition: Warren Rusche Discusses Soybean Meal's Impact

Sep 12, 2024

Soybean meal has a history with beef cattle. And with more soybean crush capacity coming online, it’s not a stretch to see soybean meal coming back to the feedlot. South Dakota State University (SDSU) is paying attention to soybean meal, examining its potential as a viable feedlot ration. SDSU assistant professor and Extension beef feedlot specialist Warren Rusche has taken a close look at soybean meal for beef feedlots with positive results. That’s good for cattle feeders and it’s good for soybean growers wondering what will become of all the soybean meal resulting from greater soybean oil-based fuel production.

From Air Force to Agriculture: Heather Beaner's Leadership Legacy

Aug 12, 2024

There is a list of attributes that apply to one of the 2024 South Dakota Soybean Checkoff board retirees. She’s in demand for her advice, leadership, and instruction. As a farmer, Heather Beaner refers to herself as a “unicorn,” being the daughter who took over her father’s farm. That came after earning a law degree and after two decades of service as a judge advocate general in the U.S. Air Force. Beaner retired from the Air Force at an impressive rank that comes in handy for leaders. Agriculture is better because of it.

South Dakota Ag Minute

South Dakota Soybean Leader Fall 2022

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