Soybean Research
The South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council annually invests checkoff dollars into soybean research to increase profitability and to provide farmers with the tools needed for risk management.
Research areas include:
- Increasing soybean yield through best management practices
- Weed management and herbicide-resistant weeds
- Soybean Cyst Nematode and Sudden Death Syndrome management
- Soybean aphid management and other emerging pests
- Fertility and nutrient needs for the soybean plant
- Water management
- Developing an on-farm research program in South Dakota through partnerships with industry and universities
- More inclusion of soybean meal into animal diets
- Increasing the possibility of soybean inclusion into aquaculture feed

On-Farm Research Program
The South Dakota Soybean On-Farm Research Program is a farmer-led and initiated research program that will provide soybean growers with the knowledge of how to conduct and evaluate on-farm research. Each year, project summaries will be collected, collated and published on iGrow and highlighted at other SDSU Extension and South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council meetings and events.
View results from on-farm research projects in South Dakota, and use the information to help you make efficient management decisions in your fields here.

North Central Soybean Research Program
The North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP) was established in 1992 by state checkoff organizations in the North Central states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
NCSRP is a farmer-led organization that invests soybean checkoff funds in university research and Extension programs to better understand and manage plant stressors that reduce soybean yield and farmer profitability. The mission of the NCSRP is to maximize producer returns by coordinating regional research efforts, minimizing duplication of research, and assuring that regional research projects are targeted at problems of the North Central soybean producer.
Visit the NCSRP website here.