soy100: Growing 100-Bushel Soybeans
Grow 100-Bushel Soybeans in South Dakota.
Did that get your attention?
It also happened to capture the attention of more than 250 farmers from across the state who attended our soy100 seminar at SDSU on Thursday. The seminar was designed to help farmers think about what it would take to significantly increase soybean yields.
South Dakota Soybean kicked-off the seminar with our Soybean Success presentation. We covered best management practices and agronomic results from the past two years of the South Dakota Soybean Yield Contest.
Dr. Harold Reetz discussed drainage in a drought prone environment. Reetz is well-known drainage expert, having served as executive director of the Agricultural and Drainage Management Coalition for almost 30 years.
Dr. T. Scott Murrall, North Central director, presented on what it takes to grow 100-bushel soybeans from a soils perspective. Murrall helped farmers understand what they can do to help increase their yields.
Gregg Carlson from SDSU also provided information on how to perform on-farm research.
We’ve had a lot of requests for copies of the presentations from soy100. You can find them here. If you would like any additional information, please feel free to give our office a call. 605.330.9942
Here’s a few photos from the event: