Press Release
Upcoming Workshop Prepares Farmers for Consumer Conversations
Jan 25, 2019Farmers encouraged to attend South Dakota Soybean Checkoff event February 12.
With new food topics, trends and questions arising in the media daily, consumers want to know their local farmers and where their food comes from more than ever. They’re asking farmers specific questions about how their food is grown and, while those important questions don’t always have simple answers, having conversations with consumers that address their questions in a meaningful manner is crucial.
Hungry for Truth, an initiative of the South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council (SDSRPC), invites South Dakota farmers, agriculture students and affiliated industry members to attend a workshop focused on connecting with consumers, building trust and effectively answering questions about food and farming.
The workshop, “Tackling Tough Conversations – How to Talk to Consumers About Food and Farming,” will be held Tuesday, February 12, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Sheraton Sioux Falls and Convention Center in Sioux Falls, S.D. Lunch will provided. Advance registration is requested at
Created in partnership with the Center for Food Integrity, the workshop will provide an overview of current consumer attitudes about the food system and will teach attendees the skills to engage with consumers and answer challenging questions.
“Attending this event last year helped me become more comfortable telling my farm’s story, whether in casual conversations or online,” explains Jeff Thompson, Colton, S.D. corn and soybean farmer. “If it’s your first workshop or third, it’s a great reminder of how sharing values with consumers can help guide productive conservations.”
Interested attendees can also learn more about how to get involved with the Hungry for Truth initiative, which focuses on fostering conversations between farmers and consumers about how food is grown and raised in South Dakota.
About Hungry for Truth Hungry for Truth is an initiative about food and farming funded by the SDSRPC. The goal is to connect South Dakotans to the farmers who grow their food. Learn more at
About South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council The South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council is the farmer-led organization charged with wisely investing and leveraging checkoff dollars on behalf of South Dakota soybean farmers.
To learn more about how SDSRPC puts checkoff dollars to work for South Dakota’s soybean farmers, visit