Rows of healthy agricultural soybean crops. Beautiful sunset landscape.

SDSA Invites Farmers to Attend Wetland Issues Public Forum in Aberdeen

Jul 25, 2014

The South Dakota Soybean Association (SDSA) invites farmers to attend the Wetland Issues Public Forum at the Dakota Events Center in Aberdeen on July 30. The forum will focus on wetland determinations and water issues, and is hosted by SDSA, South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation, South Dakota Farmers Union, South Dakota Corn Growers Association, Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS), and the Congressional Offices of Senator Thune, Senator Johnson and Congresswoman Noem.

The Wetland Issues Public Forum is scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon, and will feature a panel of water specialists, including:
• Tom Christensen, Associate Chief for Operations, NRCS, Washington, DC
• Jeff Zimprich, State Conservationist, NRCS
• Lynn Tjeerdsma, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Senator John Thune
• Rick Vallery, Field Representative, Office of Congresswoman Kristi Noem

“South Dakota has a severe backlog of wetland determinations, more so than any of our surrounding states, and we want to give our state’s farmers an opportunity to share their concerns. We are happy to have Tom Christensen, Associate Chief for Operations at NRCS travel from Washington, DC, to participate in our meeting,” said John Horter, SDSA President and farmer from Andover, S.D. “South Dakota farmers want to see timely and quality wetland delineations that are technically and procedurally correct, and this forum allows farmers to ask questions to the panelists in regards to these issues.”

Please visit or contact the SDSA office at 605.330.9942 for more information.