Plant Photos

May 25, 2016

Spring is one of our favorite times of year because we love seeing all of the planting photos and updates. Now that Plant ’16 is in full swing, we wanted to share some of our favorites.

John Horter shared this adorable video of his son Dane doing his weekly crop report.

Dane’s Crop Report May 22, 2016 from sdsoybean on Vimeo.

John Horter's farm near Andover.

John Horter’s farm near Andover.

Jayme Boerger finished up planting last week at his farm near Groton.

Thanks to Jayme Boerger for submitting this Plant ’16 photo.

Craig Converse's farm near Brookings.

Craig Converse’s farm near Brookings.

Three generations of farmers at Craig Converse's farm.

Three generations of farmers at Craig Converse’s farm.

Colin Nachtigal's farm near Harrold.

Colin Nachtigal’s farm near Harrold.

If you have any photos or videos you’d like to share with us, tag us on Facebook, Twitter or submit them to Happy Planting!