Seeing the broader perspectiveBy visiting different communities and lifting up the individual voices of producers across the state, the Checkoff Check-In will celebrate the individuals and communities that have made agriculture the foundation of South Dakota’s growth and prosperity.
Salem, Around Here
Around here, urban/rural community connection is important. Salem is the hometown of SD Soybean Checkoff Director Dawn Scheier and SD Soybean Association Director Drew Peterson, who have neighboring farms.
Here’s what makes Dawn and Drew proud of their home community.
Salem, In the Field
Last Fall, we caught up with Drew Peterson in the field during harvest. He’s been farming outside of Salem, SD for over a decade and has seen his share of market fluctuation. Through uncertainty, what remains is Drew’s positive outlook on the future of agriculture.
Salem, Bean Market Insights
Local farmer, Dawn Scheier, has worked on projects promoting the value of U.S. soybeans around the world through the SD Soybean Checkoff, the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health, and the United States Soybean Export Council.
Dawn’s neighbor, Drew Peterson, shares how market development and building consumer trust through the soybean checkoff are important for soybean growers in South Dakota.
See more of the Checkoff Check-In video series