Checkoff Check-In: Mellette
Seeing the broader perspective
By visiting different communities and lifting up the individual voices of producers across the state, the Checkoff Check-In will celebrate the individuals and communities that have made agriculture the foundation of South Dakota’s growth and prosperity.
Mellette, Around here
Around here we have strong rural communities. We ventured to Mellette, SD to check in with Heather Beaner, District 9 Director for the SD Soybean Checkoff. Heather also sits on the Agtegra board of directors.
Mellette, In the field
Every spring, farmers head to the field to plant soybeans to fulfill a growing soybean demand.
Mellette, Bean market insights
“The soybean checkoff has served as a bridge between the farm gate and the end-user.” Agtegra Senior VP of Grain Marketing Jason Kootwyk describes the value of the soybean checkoff developing new markets for soybeans in SD and around the world.