Best Bean Practices: Dry Conditions for Weed Control
Drought conditions have continued to spread across South Dakota over the past few weeks. The most recent drought monitor shows that more than 90 percent of state is experiencing abnormally dry conditions and drought. In the Best Bean Practices videos below Paul Johnson, SDSU Extension Weed Science Coordinator, shares more about weed management in dry conditions.
“As producers and landowners, we can share data, including pictures of crop fields and pastures, with those creating the weekly Drought Monitor. To submit your information online through the Drought Impact Reporter at the National Drought Mitigation Center, go to http://droughtreporter.unl.edu/map/. Other types of valuable information include: a description of how the drought is affecting you and your livelihood; when you first started noticing the impact; and the location of the impact. After you have submitted your information, you may be contacted for more details. I strongly encourage you to provide any relevant information you may have so that the Drought Monitor can be as reflective as possible of conditions on the ground. To view the U.S. Drought Monitor visit: http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/.
In recognition of the severity of the dry conditions across South Dakota, as indicated by the Drought Monitor, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has made announcements regarding the grazing of land enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). I hope that opening these acres will provide some relief for the livestock producers across the state. To learn more about the opening of CRP acres and possible eligibility, please visit your local Farm Service Agency office. Contact information for all county offices can be found here.”
Best Bean Practices videos, brought to you by the South Dakota soybean checkoff, focus on management strategies to help increase your yields. To video more Best Bean Practice videos, click here.
This blog post is brought to you by the South Dakota Soybean Research & Promotion Council.