Dawn Scheier
Dawn Scheier
Dawn Scheier currently farms full time with her husband Pat in Salem, SD. Scheier Farms is a 4th generation farm where they raise corn and soybeans. Dawn received her education from ISU in animal science and is also a graduate of the South Dakota Ag and Rural Leadership Program. Besides being active on the farm, Dawn has over 23 years of experience working in agriculture businesses outside of the family farm. Some of the positions she has held for agricultural companies include Credit Manager and also National Sales Manager. Dawn has become an active and passionate volunteer with CommonGround, which is a consumer outreach group that helps start conversations about farming and food. Dawn is currently the St. Mary’s Church Alter Society VP, SCW Treasurer, a SD Corn Growers Assn. member, and a SD Soybean Assn. member. Some of her past experiences include 5 years on the Farm Credit Nominating Committee, and serving on the Salem St. Mary’s Church and School Finance Board. She is a strong supporter in value added agriculture and investing in soybean processing and corn ethanol plants.