Chad Schooley

Director, District 6
Chad schooley headshot

Chad and Heidi Schooley are the owners/operators of Cabin Still Cattle Company in Castlewood, SD, where they farm and ranch alongside their three children: Beau, Booker, and Bryn/ Their operation includes soybeans, corn, alfalfa, and small grains, as well as a cow-calf operation and a feedlot established by Chad’s great-grandparents in the late 1930s.

Chad has served two terms on the South Dakota Soybean Association and is embarking on his first term on the Council. They primary objectives at Cabin Still Cattle Company are too consistently produce high-quality crops and livestock for their customers and to establish a legacy that their children can take pride in and continue to grow with their own families, much like Chad and Heidi have done from their parents generation.