Register for soy100!

February 23, 2015


South Dakota soybean farmers are invited to attend the soy100 event, March 12 at the South Dakota State University (SDSU) Campus in Brookings. Register for this event online at

The soy100 seminar focuses on the simple question, “What can farmers do to grow 100-bushel soybeans in South Dakota?” Attendees will hear from experts on soybean markets, weed resistance, soil health, water management and more.

“We are asking farmers to rise to the challenge of growing 100-bushel soybeans in South Dakota. The soy100 event is designed to help farmers think about innovative management practices that could help significantly increase their soybean yields,” said Marc Reiner, farmer from Tripp and South Dakota Soybean Research & Promotion Council chairman.

This year’s featured speaker is Al Kluis, Commodity Advisor & Broker at Kluis Commodities. View the complete agenda.

The soy100 event is held at SDSU in room Rotunda D of the Bailey Rotunda Building. Farmers are encouraged to preregister for soy100 at Registration is also available at the door. Check-in and registration begin at 7:45 a.m. on March 12, with the event kicking off at 8:30 a.m. The soy100 event is hosted by SDSRPC and SDSU Extension.

Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) credits will be available. Look for the sign-up sheet at the registration table!