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AgOutlook 2022

Dec 08, 2022
We are excited to host the 18th annual AgOutlook Conference and Tradeshow on December 8, 2022

South Dakota Soybean Association invites you to participate in our 18th AgOutlook Trade Show & Conference on December 8, 2022 at the Sioux Falls Best Western Ramkota Exhibit Hall. Join us for top-notch speakers and networking with vendors, farmers, and ag industry leaders.

2022 AgOutlook Speakers

John Baranick - DTN - Ag Meteorologist WEATHER OUTLOOK

Jolene Brown - Speaker, Author & Farmer INSPIRATION & HUMOR

Naomi Blohm - Total Farm Marketing - Senior Marketing Advisor MARKETING

AgOutlook Agenda


Early riser session:

9:00 AM - 9:45 AM - Dr.Ray Ward - Founder of Ward Labs - Soil Organic Matter: Obstacle or Opportunity

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM - Steve Dick - FSA - State Exectutive Director

9:30 AM – 5:00 PM - AgOutlook Conference & Trade Show

9:30 AM- 4:15 PM - SoyPAC Silent Auction

10:30 - John Baranick "Bye Bye La Nina! So, What's Next?"

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM - Noon Meal

1:00 PM - Jolene Brown Harvest the Humor: " A Celebration of Life on the Farm"

3:00 PM - Naomi Blohm "Soybean Price Outlook for 2023"

4:20 - Door Prizes and SoyPAC Auction

4:00 – 5:00 PM - Free Hors d'oeuvres & Drinks